University Prep Value High School Home

Welcome to University Prep Value High School

Our mission is to establish and support free, high quality, values-based charter schools for students historically underserved by traditional public schools.
At University Prep Value High School, we believe students deserve every opportunity to make smart, well-informed choices that prepare them for college and beyond. The proven success of our “UP Process” provides students with opportunities to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and career interests. 

Where our students say...

  • I belong in this academic community;
  • My ability and competence grow with my effort;
  • I can succeed at this; and
  • This work has value for me.
The Impact of Giving Back

The Impact of Giving Back

At University Prep Value High School, every student commits to developing a plan for college and/or career. And, every student is encouraged to GIVE BACK. This graphic not only represents the significant amount of time dedicated by our students to community service but also quantifies the economic impact our collective efforts are having on our local community. It provides a clear visualization of the positive contributions we are making and highlights the meaningful difference we are capable of creating together.
  • High School Graduates:97%
  • College Ready Graduates:83%
  • Accepted to 4-year Universities:73%

Realize The Experiences

Discover the stories

Students with Dr. Pearl Grimes and Dr. Swamy Venuturupalli

Career Exploration: Medical Careers

The CARRY Foundation and Value Schools Foundation in Action!

"Before today, I was not sure I could become a doctor, but with passion and dedication, I learned that anything is possible.”
–Tenth grade student
Students at Gunn Jerkens Marketing and Communications

Career Exploration - Marketing and Communications

Linda Gunn and her team at Gunn/Jerkens Marketing and Communications continued their valuable engagement with our students from Value Schools. In April, Linda and her team led a session on "creating a brand" at their office in Long Beach, fostering both learning and inspiration.

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