Pioneers of Everest Value: Edgar Nguyen

As we climb on, excited to see construction begin on our new Everest Value School building, I want to introduce you to some of our own “pioneers” whose ingenuity and tenacity built the family it will house. In the coming months, as we update you on progress at the new site, we will tell you about more of these dedicated Everest pioneers who finally have the summit in sight. 
Edgar Nguyen thought he was meant to be a firefighter, and was just a step or two short of that destination, when by happy accident he agreed to help a friend clean out the basement at Downtown Value School. Mrs. Jacoby, then principal of Downtown Value, immediately recognized his work ethic and easy way with people, and convinced him to join her staff. Overseeing morning drop-off, he was the first person to greet students and parents every day, with smiling enthusiasm and a common language. His gift for learning names and faces is exceeded only by his uncanny knack for sensing who is having a bad day or might need a little extra attention. As Edgar says, “With every challenge there’s hope as long as we don’t give up on them.” 
Chris knew Edgar’s solid grounding in the Value Schools way made him a perfect person to help launch the new school. With an upbeat chat or a discreet word to a teacher, Edgar prevents and puts out fires every day, without the heavy equipment! 
Thank you for supporting our team at Everest Value School!!  
Keep an eye out for upcoming stories about our founding members of the Everest community!