Hiking the Continental Divide for Scholarships

Tom LeveeAs you might remember from Levee’s previous adventure, the Pacific Crest Trail spans over 2,650 miles from Mexico to Canada along the western ridge of the United States. Levee not only pushed himself to the limit but also raised over $100,000 for Value Schools and the new Everest Value School building.

Now, in 2023, Levee is taking on the even more demanding Continental Divide Trail, which stretches from New Mexico to Glacier National Park in Montana, a distance of over 3,100 miles. But why?

Tom is putting Value 5 – giving back – into action. This time, his fundraising efforts will go toward scholarship opportunities for Value Schools' graduating seniors and 529 education investment accounts for kindergarteners. The families who receive the 529 accounts will also have access to financial literacy classes to help plan for college.

Tom Levee at Northern Terminus of the PCT
Tom completing his hike in 2021 at the northern point of the Pacific Crest Trail (above). The map of Tom's upcoming hike across the Continental Divide Trail (below).

Tom embarks on his journey on March 30, 2023, at the southern border of New Mexico, and will complete his trek at the northern border of Glacier National Park. This is no small feat, and Levee is fully aware of the challenges that lie ahead. But his unwavering determination to give back to the next generation and make a positive impact on their futures is what motivates him.

We can all learn from Tom Levee and his selfless act of kindness and generosity. He is an inspiration to us all and serves as a reminder that one person can make a difference. You can support Tom on his trek, follow his progress, and encourage him as he supports the students and families of Value Schools.

Click here to FOLLOW Tom as he takes on the 3,100-mile Continental Divide Trail hike and PLEDGE your support!